Xtream-UI R22F Installation On Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS

Xtream-UI is an interface that allows you to control any media streamed through your IPTV. The good thing about Xtream-UI is that it is absolutely free of charge and that there is no reason why it cannot work with all types of devices that support streaming media.

It is a widespread and helpful IPTV streaming platform. Xtream-UI Panel is a convenient software for creating your own server from scratch. In addition, it supports all common and standard protocols as an input and output database.

IMPORTANT: Xtream UI panel should be installed on clean Ubuntu 18.04 installation

You need to update packages and then install the required software.


Login to root

Run the command below

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get install software-properties-common libxslt1-dev libcurl3 libgeoip-dev python -y;

Get the installation file

wget https://github.com/emre1393/xtreamui_mirror/raw/master/install.py

Run the installation script

python install.py

Choose MAIN, yes, hit enter


  • type any random MySQL password, hit enter
  • now installation completed, save MySQL password
  • your panel URL http://yourserverip:8080 plus see the code

Copy the provided URL and you;ll get your panel login page. The default login for the Panel is username = admin and password = admin

Do you need a help with the installation? Get in touch with us!


  • xtreamui, iptv
  • 1 Users Found This Useful
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